Saturday, February 25, 2006

Service Time

This morning, or early afternoon because most of us don't like getting out of the house on Saturday before noon, we had a service project planned. Someone from our church had a storage space that they needed organized. She is a mother of two young children who had to move out of Chase as the property where she was living had been sold and all of the people living on it had so little time to move all of their stuff out. When they did move, they just threw everything into a storage space, expecting that the family would find a new place to live and move all of their stuff in. The people they were staying with offered for them to stay longer, so to get anything that they needed out of storage, it took so much time as nothing was organized. So, this afternoon, five of us met her at the church, went to her storage space and helped her organize it. It was a good time. It was a bit cold out as some weird cold-streak just came out of nowhere, but it was a fun time. The woman who was with us was so nice to. She got us Timbits and pop for us afterwards. The pop was a bit cold and didn't help to warm us up but we really appreciated it. It was good to be of help to someone who could not do this on her own. Huzzah!

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