Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'm Bored

Quick, name your favorite movie, book & food plus why.


Heather said...

Hey, I'm bored too! Fancy that.
These could change at a moment's notice, but...
Movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Book: LOTR (And I know it's a trilogy, but it was in fact originally one book!)
Food: Today, pizza.

Anonymous said...

I hate having to pick brain is too post modern...;)
so here's a small selection of some of the "tops"
Movie: Mary Poppins, Elf, Anything musical (rent, phantom of the opera, moulin's not so much the movie as the music...), the importance of being Earnest.
Book: Anything by Carol Shields,(anything isn't a title...I mean "the works of..") Bridget Jones' Diary: the Edge of Reason, The Stonecarvers by Jane Urquahart, almost anything by douglas coupland and nick hornby...umm...I just love books:)
And food.SO I'm changing that one to favourite song: Right now it is a whole album! Life in Slow Motion by David Gray...emphasis on "slow motion" and "lately". and "cecilia" by simon & garfunkel is sounding good right now, too.
ps I know I didn't use the term "post-modern" correctly. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the "whys" would just be too long. So if you really wanna know, ask:)

Anonymous said...

haha - yea for boredome!
Movie: as if you guys have to ask... it's without a doubt "The Sound of Music". why - I used to watch it every day of the summer with my gran...I love it. And since I have a slight obsession with all things Austrian I love it even more - haha.
Book: "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee - it's just an awesome story. I also love "The Saving Life of Christ" by Major Thomas. It's a hard read, but worth it.
Food: gosh - I don't know if I can pick just one favorite! I really enjoy East Indian food.
I'm going to awnser Anna's question to -
Song: "Love and Fear" by Morcheeba. I love it cause it was one of my best friends favorite songs and we spent countless hours driving around listening to it, and discussing how real to life the song was. Haha

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - I wrote my favorites song wrong - wierd is actually called "Fear and Love"

Andrew v. said...

Movie - Braveheart.

Book - The Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.

Food - Chinese or pasta.

Music - The David Crowder Band!

(I left out the whys because, I just did)


Court said...

Anything with Julia Roberts, no explanation needed.
Book I like ones where you can colour in the pictures yourself.
Food- Eggs, because you can make them in some many different ways, anytime of the day.
Music- Lately I have been trying to not listen to alot of music because I find I always need back groudn noise and that isn't a good thing. So for now silence.
When I do turn it on James Blunt.

Anonymous said...

movie: right now..umm..Rent, Phantom of the Opera...and also the X-Men series - why? I like the music in the first 2 and the x-men series is good!
book: Since I was about 11 it has been the Christy Miller series :) I wanted to find my "Todd"
music: Mud Football by Jack Johnson...just great memories of some awesome games in Hazelton, and then all the camp songs..I love camp!
food: waffles, hot dogs( i got addicted last summer) chicken and ice cream...and yes the chicken and ice cream are together...i like it :) yes i'm weird

JEK said...

Since I made other people do it, I should as well.
Movie: Funny: Zoolander & Bill and Ted, Serious: American History X and Saving Private Ryan
Books: Douglas Coupland books (Life after God, All Families are Psychotic, etc) and the Shannara Fantasy series
Music: Jimmy Eat World and David Crowder
Food: Pickles, Seafood Pasta and coffee (separate, although together could be interesting)

Anonymous said...

This is Mike. Why must we all be bore anywho.

Movie: The Shanshank Redemption,
Dumb and Dumber/Dumb and Dumber'er,
Bill & Ted's Excellent adventure, Lair Lair,all the Sylvester Stallon Movie's, Bravehart etc.
Music: Fatboy Slim-Praise You
Favorite book:Small Gods/Lord of the Rings-books/Harry Potter-books/& Dr. Sues books
Food: Chinees food/Greek Food/MCDONALD'S/Home cook'd meals