Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Better Late.....

Sorry that I haven't updated for a while you guys. It's that time in the semester that I rally don't feel like composing any more coherant sentances than I need to!!! But last weekend was busy and good, so I thought I should at least mention a few highlights!
Thursday night - Heather talked to the group about being Authentic; especially with each other. When we are authentic and open with each other we will be blessed by opportunites to pray specifially and purposefully for people in the group; what an awesome opportunity (The moral of the story "Pits and Peaks" is an integral part of our group). Heather did an awesome job of taking the topic back to what matters. She looked at the life of Christ and how he was authentic with the people around him. Thanks Heather.
Friday Night - Friday night began with Corrina's desert night. It was an awesome night! The work that Corrina does at Hungry For Life is really exciting! The desert night was followed by The Well, which once again was awesome. There was a bunch of us there, so if you didn't mangae to go ask around and we'll make sure you get to the next one!
Saturday Morning - We had a planning meeting at Jim and Anna's on Saturday morning. It was fun - you should come! Anyway looks like y'all are going to have a great summer (well as good as it can be without me; it will be tough, but I know you can get through it).
So I guess that's kind of the main points..... If I missed something you can comment about it.


Anonymous said...

hahah pits and peaks...okay, I will tell ya'll the reason why I hate pits and peaks. I feel that the high points and low points of one's week should be known to others through regular interaction with each other. If we truly care about each other, and are willing to take the time to get to know one another and communicate with each other, then the 'pits and peaks' should be a natural phenomenon of everyday life! Well that's the basis of my strong opinion on this matter! I know many may disagree, but I'm okay with that...

Heather said...

That's a very appropriate picture. I like it! And thanks for the kudos, and all that.

Heather said...

Kailyn...I totally get what you're saying, but I also think that unless asked specifically some people just won't share. And breaking it down into highs and lows makes it easier, for me, anyway, to articulate what's been going on.
FYI, if anyone missed Thurdsay and wants to hear what I said (Gosh, that sounds so vain, but I'm not going for that, I swear) I can email the .doc :)